Tragic Death Likely Result of Motorcycle Crash

A Maryland man was found dead in his bedroom on Sunday morning after returning home after a motorcycle crash. The man lost control of his motorcycle and hit a tree around midnight. He appeared to be unharmed, and friends took him home. It is believed that he died of internal injuries resulting from the crash before he was found unresponsive at around 6:30 am and taken to the hospital. An investigation into the crash is still ongoing.

This tragic death points to the importance of seeing a doctor after a motorcycle accident. If you sustained an injury in your accident, no matter how minor you think it is, see your doctor immediately, or call 911 if necessary. This is important not only for your health, but also for the success of your claim. Some injuries you’ll be aware of immediately—abrasions or fractures, for example. However, many of the most common injuries don’t become symptomatic until hours and even days later. Damage to soft tissue occurs immediately, but you may not feel it for some time. That’s why it’s so important to see your family physician at once, and in person. That way, the doctor can give you a full evaluation and document your injuries. Because getting into an accident can be disorienting, you should make a plan for what you will do after an accident ahead of time and rehearse it in your mind. If you imagine yourself calmly calling 911 after an accident, explaining what happened in a clear manner, and cooperating with the police and paramedics, chances are you will do all these things if you are actually in an accident.

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