The Pedestrian Survival Guide

Safety – Rights – Recovery

The Pedestrian Survival Guide: Safety – Rights – Recovery is an invaluable resource that provides readers with a guide to creating a successful claim: finding the right attorney, properly documenting their injuries, dealing with insurance adjustors and preparing for the litigation process. The premise of the book is that a little knowledge can go a long way, both towards securing fair compensation and putting one’s mind at ease. “There is a great deal of literature available concerning personal injury cases that arise from collisions between motor vehicles,” the author points out, “and though much of the information also applies to pedestrian accidents, there are too few resources available crafted with injured pedestrians explicitly in mind. I hope this book meets this important need.” The Pedestrian Survival Guide also includes a chapter on the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and how to avoid them.

Your accident may be the result of driver negligence.

Pedestrian accidents, as you may have learned the hard way, are very often the result of driver negligence. Maybe the driver wasn’t paying attention and failed to stop at a crosswalk, or maybe they made a quick left turn in front of oncoming traffic, only to realize at the last second that you, the pedestrian in front of them, had the right-of-way as you were crossing the street. As you may already know, a simple “mistake” on the part of a driver can cause an accident that can change the life of the victim. The Pedestrian Survival Guide examines some of the common causes of accidents, helping you to better understand what has happened to you.

Children are inherently unsafe, at-risk pedestrians.

Pedestrian injury is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 5 to 14. Children are vulnerable to pedestrian death for a variety of reasons, including high traffic volume, high posted speed limits, absence of a divided highway, few pedestrian control devices, lack of alternative play areas like parks, and irresponsible driver behavior. However, children are particularly at-risk pedestrians because they are exposed to traffic threats that exceed their cognitive, developmental, behavioral, physical and sensory abilities. The Pedestrian Survival Guide explains how this is and what parents can do about it.

Much of the lawyer advertising out there is meaningless or down-right misleading.

Lawyer advertising is out of control. What does that mean, exactly? It means that it’s now virtually impossible for your average consumer to distinguish between lawyers who have the necessary qualifications to assist them with their case and those who do not. It means that it has perpetuated myths about lawyer qualification that take consumers ever further off track in their search for the right attorney. If you listen to their advertising, for example, you’ll conclude that all lawyers are maximally qualified in every area. Not so. In this book, you’ll see precisely how lawyer advertising has run amok and how to expose the myths for what they are. Most importantly, you’ll find a step-by-step system for weeding through the nonsense and trumped up claims and finding a lawyer who is right for you and your case. No decision is more important for the success of your claim than whom you choose to fight on your behalf.

And much more vital information:

  • How to properly document your injuries to present the best possible case.
  • What to do in the minutes, days, and weeks following your accident.
  • How to deal with insurance adjustors and a comprehensive guide to insurance.
  • What to expect during the litigation process and legal terms you’ll need to know.
  • How to give effective deposition testimony.
  • And a lot more.